My 65C02 board
by Joe DiMeglio
by Joe DiMeglio
It was 1991 and created a montor for my 65C02 board. It had the everything i needed except an assembler. It had the
- memory dump,
- ascii dump,
- dissassembler
- intel hex downloader
- interrupt handling
- lcd 16x2 routines etc
- etc
It came with 6522 and 6551, 8K RAM, 32K ROM. Anyway i also wanted to complete an assembler for it. Thats work in progress. Anyone want it, ill post it.
So with all this convid-19 business, thought i might as well complete it. Its a serial connection - back the 9600 baud was the default. See pic. The 65C02 board is connected back to the breadboard.
Ive looked at a bunch of 6502 assemblers sources from Supermon by Jim Butterfield v1.2 1985 - pretty impressive, with much of the core code from the Apple red book or from MOS to some that was written for the C64 such as SYMON.
Code to be posted here
Some Pictures
Attached a LCD 16x2 because well why not
Step #1 find a good IDE
I settled on - professional setup - with some modifications namely added an external tool to convert a bin file to a intexhex file.
Step #2 Simulator
I used Michal Kowalski simulator which now seems to be impossible to find. So after some hunting i found version 1.2.14, which seems to be the latest 6502 simulator. Added the link for reference.
To say that this simulator version was hard to find is an understatement. (at least for me)
Currentl Project
With permision from San Bergmans ( ive also mostly re-written his two pass A1 65c02 assembler. It didnt come with a dissassembler but thats ok ive written one. :-) But im merging them both into a streamlined code. Sans code seemed to be designed for an Apple with a weird bit $80 turned on for ascii characters. Anyway jumped over the code and re-wrote bits to work with my 65c02.
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